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 Through counseling, you receive support as you identify and set out your goals, form a plan of action, and gain insights from new discoveries 

Stress, Distress, Anxiety

Emotional strain and tension can arise from a variety of adverse or demanding circumstances in family, health, work and relationships, sometimes showing itself in excessive worry about a variety of topics, events or activities. This sense of overwhelm can be lessened.

For a tree to become tall it must grow 
among the rocks.

F. Nietzsche

Life Transitions, Divorce, Choices

The loss of a job, separation or divorce, addition of a new baby, loss of a loved one, the approach of middle age, leaving home for college. Sometimes we're ready for changes, and sometimes we're just not prepared at all.  It can be a little easier with help in seeing how to choose our next steps.

Don't be afraid to go out on a limb, because that is where the fruit is.

F. Scully

Relationships, Couples, Conflict

Creating connections with others is a part of living. Some connections are necessary, like in work or school, others are voluntary, such as who we choose to love. Connections are seldom static, constantly changing and creating challenges for us, both individually and together. 

Love is like a puts down deep roots into our whole being.

V. Hugo

Loneliness, Grief, Depression

The distress associated with grief, loss, loneliness and related emotional experiences can be relentless. Feelings of emptiness, loss of interest in social, work or other activities, as well as problems sleeping, are all indications and part of the disruption from these conditions of the mind, body and soul.

The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places.

E. Hemingway

Stress, Distress, Anxiety
Life Transitions, Divorce, Choices
Relationships, Couples, Conflct
Loneliness, Grief, Depression


  1. Top Stressors & Communication Skills for Couples

  2. Coping with Life Stressors (Workplace wellness emphasis available)

  3. Generational Patterns in Families & Their Meaning

  4. It's Complicated: Grief and Loss 

  5. Warning Signs of Overwhelming Stress 


Counseling groups are offered periodically during year. Format may be 4-8 sessions, schedule TBD by participants; fee varies.

Coping With Life Stressors for Teachers - Summer program, 4-6 weeks

See Psychology Today for additional Small Group topics

Guided Imagery

Personalized Guided Imagery Package

Custom guided imagery recording toward client-selected goals, such as stress reduction and relaxation, pain management, mental illness symptom relief, motivation or mindfulness


  • Assessment of needs with client

  • Three sessions (min.) with counselor to outline goals, craft guided imagery script

  • MP3 file provided

  • Script review available

Rebecca Ray, MA, LPC, Lic. #MO2018027686. © 2024 by Rebecca Ray. All the content provided on this website is for general informational purposes, and does not constitute medical, legal, financial or other professional advice and is not intended as mental health diagnosis or treatment. Privacy Policy. 


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